Author Archives: grustnayadevushka

No idea….

Oh! Hey

My name is Lana, I’m 20 and a college student.

I’ve had a lot of ups and downs. Downs surpassing the ups. But I’m pushing through it. I wanna be able to share my story and get advice from people (nice people,pls) I can really use it (I give bad advice, kidding!) And The whole reason I started this blog, was because I was sad at the time and all I wanted to do was write but I dint want to do that in my journal so I thought ” what if..just what if I had an online journalĀ ” and this post would be my first ever. I’ve been thinking about whether I should go through with it or just get rid of it. I was just going to do it to make myself feel better because I thought, it’s like one big diary that everyone can read and comment on. So I think I’m gonna keep it and later on if I want to stop then I will. But for now I’m gonna keep doing what I want with the blog and hopefully it all works ooutout#808080;”>@Sadgirl_lana.